Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spring Time Fundraiser

If your organization is looking for a new fundraiser, you may want to consider a fashion show combined with a calendar party and raffle.   I have organized and planned this event many times for churches and nonprofits.  Here is how to pull off a successful show:
Fashion Show
Choose a popular clothing store or boutique.   When approaching a store owner, tell them that this show will benefit them as well by showcasing their clothing to an audience that may otherwise not have shopped at their store.  Perhaps they can offer a ten percent discount to the models who wear the clothing.
You will work with the owner to choose the clothing that will be modeled in the show.  Have at least eight models to wear two outfits for a total of sixteen outfits.
Once the clothing and the models are chosen, either you or the owner will write a commentary for each model and outfit.
An hour or so before the fashion show is to begin, have the models practice with the commentary.
Calendar Party
A calendar party is a fun addition to a fashion show.  Have 12 volunteers pick a month of the year.  They are then in charge of decorating a table for that month.  Examples and suggestions may be:      
January:  Winter table, New Year’s Day
February:  Valentine’s Day, Ground Hog Day or Presidents Day
March:      Spring table, St. Patrick’s Day, Daylight Savings, MardiGras
April:         April Fools, Spring, Easter, Tax Deadline
May:          Wedding table, Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day
June:          Summer, Father’s Day, Vacations
July:           Fourth of July, Summer picnic, Patriotic
August:      Back to School, Pool Party
Sept.:         Labor Day, Autumn
October:   Halloween, Columbus Day, Oktoberfest
Nov.:          Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day
Dec.:          Christmas, Winter, New Year’s Eve
A nicely decorated table will include a table cloth, place mats, centerpiece and any other creative design you can come up with.  A nice touch would be to have a favor at each place setting too.
Keep the food simple.  Finger sandwiches and punch and a simple desert.
Food may be served before or after the fashion show.  It is up to you. If you do it after the show, the models will get to eat with their family and friends.
Prior to the event ask businesses and individuals for gift donations to be raffled off.  Many businesses will donate gift cards or certificates for fundraisers.  Baskets are also a good idea.
At the event, display the donations on a table.  Make sure a business card or sign is in front of the item explaining who donated that item.  A plastic cup should also be in front of each item.  Patrons will be asked to purchase raffle tickets.  They will place one half of their ticket in the empty cup in front of the prize they would like to win. 
During intermission (model changes), draw one half of the gift prizes.  At the conclusion of the fashion show, the other prizes will be drawn.
Ticket prices for this event will depend on how much of an investment you make and your fundraising goals.  
How much is the food and drink costing you?  Perhaps you could get the refreshments donated.
Did you have to pay for the facility?  Many churches and nonprofit entities will be happy to rent out their large spaces for minimal cost. 
You should not have any trouble selling tickets to this event if they are priced $10 or under.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you need suggestions or ideas for your next fundraiser, contact me.  I would love to help.

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