Now that the BIG holiday is over, the presents are unwrapped and the guests have gone home, I sit here at my computer looking over the left over cookies, dishes in the sink and toys scattered around the house. I thank God for it all. I know that I am truly blessed.
Now let the cleaning begin! I am usually ahead of the game when it comes to my son's toys. By now, I have bagged up his old, unattended toys and donated them to Goodwill. However, that is not the case this year. So, I'll begin there. My rule is this: if you haven't looked at it or used it in one year, it's gone! This rule ensures that there is absolutely NO clutter in my home. You have to be able to disconnect your emotions from your possessions in order for this to work. If you don't think that you are ready for this rule, practice it daily with small items such as magazines or clothes. Once you start rewiring yourself to think this way, it's liberating.
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